We provide a wide range of medical services. If you are concerned about your health please phone reception on 01 8401389 to make an appointment.
- Phlebotomy (blood tests): Cholesterol, Health Screening, Diabetes, Arthritis, Liver and Kidney function ECG Blood Pressure checks & 24hr BP monitoring Respiratory Tests (spirometry)
- Blood Pressure checks & 24hr BP monitoring
- Respiratory Tests (spirometry)
Family Health
- Children's Health
- Men's Health
- Women's Health
- Maternity Services, Family Planning, Cervical Smear, Mirena IUS, Implanon
- Vaccinations - Childhood, Flu and Pneumonia
Illness Prevention & Management
- Chronic Disease Management
- Orthopaedic Medicine, Joint Injection
- Minor Surgery
- Health Promotion
- Health Screening
- Medicals
- Medical Legals, Insurance Medicals
- Mental Health
Surgical Services Provided
- Toenail Removal
- Skin Excision/Biopsy
- Suturing
- Social Welfare
- Private Certification